Meet Your Tour Guide

Jesse Stansberry
Owner & Tour Guide
Jesse Stansberry, our founder, discovered the world of craft beer 9 years ago as an escape from the tasteless wasteland of domestic lagers. The love affair was instant. It has grown into a hobby that, per unTapped, had him visit 107 unique craft breweries in 2017 alone.
Craft beer is more than an after work happy hour for Jesse. It’s a constant search for the new brewery, the next craft trend, and the rare, barrel-aged stout. Innovative ideas and brewing recipes drive his unending quest. Just ask Jesse. He’ll talk your ear off about the new brewery in Lincoln, Nebraska, the great brew he had in Little Rock, or the night it was just him and the bartender talking for hours in that small brewery in Louisville.
Though originally from Ohio, Jesse has adopted St Louis as his home. His love of craft beer is complimented by the rich and growing craft brewery culture of the area. This drives him to want to take as many people to as many microbreweries as he can. Hearing brewers' stories is Jesse's lullaby. Seeing a successful limited release brew is Jesse’s joy.
BrewHopSTL is the result of a passion for the craft beer community and camaraderie of the St. Louis market. Hop on our bus for one of our craft beer tours, and see for yourself what sets us apart as a unique tour experience.